Terms and conditions and downloads
AGB-BSK Crane + Transport 2020
(200,4 KB)
BSK assembly conditions (2008)
(262,5 KB)
Certificate ISO 9001-2015
(1,8 MB)
ISO 45001:2018 certificate
(1,8 MB)
Pandemics concern us all!
The care for employees of the Alborn Group, but also the responsibility for our customers and partners, is at the forefront at all times. Even under the more difficult conditions, we will take the necessary measures to ensure that operations continue to run smoothly.
Preventive safety measures can be:
- Information on hygiene regulations and request to comply with the recommendations of the Robert Koch Institute
- Setting up home offices as far as possible
- Ensuring the availability of permanent staff on site through pandemic duty rosters
- Exclusion of public traffic in the administrations / access controls
- Suspension of business trips
- Converting meetings and discussions to video/teleconferencing